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5 October 2020 - 8 October 2020
Photonics Days 2020 Berlin Brandenburg -- Online Edition

Optical Technologies and Microsystems Technology - Key Technologies from Berlin and Brandenburg

The future is made of light: photonics, the scientific and economic use of light, and closely linked microsystems technology, are among the most important key technologies of digitization and will provide solutions to the most pressing future challenges like climate change, ageing population, mobility, and security.

With their diverse competence spectrum, numerous companies and research institutions make the Berlin-Brandenburg region one of the world's leading industry locations. As an interface between different technologies, they often form the basis for innovative products and services, for example in the fields of medicine or communications technology. In order to further advance these developments, six so-called fields of action have been identified in the cluster.

· Laser Technology

· Lighting Technology

· Photonics and Quantum Technologies for Communication and Sensors

· Optical Analytics

· Biophotonics and Ophthalmology

· Microsystems Technology

The Photonics Cluster in Berlin and Brandenburg is especially distinguished by the strong scientific basis and the high amount of specialized small and medium-sized companies with widely ranged know how − a perfect basis for a mutual transfer between science and industry, and innovation driver for other industries and technology fields.

The innovative core of the cluster consists of about 400 technology companies, as well as of 10 universities and 26 extra-university research institutions, of which 11 are located in Brandenburg and 25 in Berlin. In the capital region a total of around 16.600 people are working in photonics and microsystems technology.

The keen interest for optical technologies and microsystems technology “made in Berlin” expressed by international entrepreneurs and scientists is emerging to an increasing degree in events, projects and cooperation with the photonics cluster: as a well-established networking platform for photonics experts from all over the world, the Photonics Days Berlin Brandenburg attract numerous participants. Moreover, a significant step for supra-regional innovative capability of the capital region in the optics field is realized with the enhanced partnership between the two optics regions Berlin Brandenburg and Warsaw. In numerous European projects inter-regional collaboration grew between the photonics Clusters in Spain, France, the Netherlands, the UK, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland and others. In the Phoenix+ and now PHOENIX III project, this international focus was expanded to include Brazil, the USA, Japan and recently Israel.

Closed since 8 October 2020
Organised by
Germany 515
Israel 50
Spain 43
Netherlands 42
Türkiye 25
United States 24
United Kingdom 24
Poland 19
Switzerland 18
France 16
Singapore 16
Lithuania 10
Belgium 10
Japan 7
India 7
Denmark 6
Italy 6
Greece 5
Ireland 5
Austria 4
Canada 4
China 3
Slovenia 3
Mexico 3
Brazil 3
Latvia 2
Iraq 2
Kenya 2
Hungary 2
Russia 2
Czech Republic 2
Portugal 2
Egypt 1
Finland 1
Tunisia 1
Australia 1
Morocco 1
Iran, Islamic Republic Of 1
Sweden 1
Saudi Arabia 1
Nigeria 1
North Macedonia 1
Luxembourg 1
Colombia 1
Côte d'Ivoire 1
Ecuador 1
Indonesia 1
Costa Rica 1
Sri Lanka 1
Total 899
Company 375
University 220
R&D Institution 207
Other 35
Association/Agency 31
Authority/Government 31
Total 899
Profile views
Before event 9074
After event 613
Total 9687